Healthy Lifestyles, mental health, student experiences

Student Blog: How a Class Assignment Improved my Mental Health

Talk about it, be open about it.  Both things that I have been trying to do more as I “grow”.

Last semester I took a class on Health Psychology and one of our assignments was to “change a behaviour”.  I chose exercise (seemed easy, and was relevant to my life issues happening). I needed to exercise more.  I totally bought into the physical benefits; better stamina, better sleep, less issues with blood pressure. What I did not know was the incredible changes that an exercise plan would have to my well being.

Before I started my plan I did a journal on how I felt and what I was thinking. Early days were very sad! I was frequently complaining about feeling off, not able to concentrate and not retaining anything I read.

Fast forward 4 months (and regular exercise weekly) I have noticed I retain more, feel better, and enjoy more of my day. Exercise has helped me more than I imagined. The issue is…I cant stop or the old issues come back!  Exercise is not a replacement for a Doctors care or for medications. It can be a supplement though, It worked for me.

Anonymous 3 Year Arts Student

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